Tuesday 19 August 2014

Dogtective William

I spend most of my time with stories: whether it's in the form of reading books, comics, watching movies or playing video games. I share stories with friends, family and enemies too; usually assisted by copious amounts of alcohol to do so.

All these things don't make money for me though so I bookwormed my way into publishing and thus by day I spend my time in the editorial office of the children's books division of a fairly large publishing house. I get to work with stories and that soothes my soul even on those days when I don't feel like leaving the comfort of my bed to deal with the difficulties of publishing books.

Some days are just glorious though and at the end of the deadlines you find lifelines and get to do cool stuff like this voice over I did for our Dogtective William series of books. It's hell of a cute and was fun to do.

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